Freelance Tasks Platform

Publish Tasks or Apply for Web Projects

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What Are The Steps?

1. The client needs something done.

The client needs a freelancer for his project. He creates a profile in Web Freelance and chooses one of the four Web Categories.

2. The Task is approved and published.

When the draft is approved and published as a Task in the platform, all registered freelancerscan search through WEb Freelance and find the freelance job.

3. The Freelancer sends an Offer for the Freelance Job.

The freelancer reads carefully through the job description and sends a proposal. The offer is published, the client reads it, looks throughout the freeelancer's portfolio and picks a candidate.

4. The Client picks the Offer!

The Offer is published, the client reads it, looks throughout the freelancer's portfolio and picks the candidate.

5. The Freelancer receives an invitation for the project.

The freelancer receives an email, containing the client's contact information. He can now contact the client and start working.

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