web freelance jobs - ratings

Do you have to trust the freelance ratings and reviews?

Ratings and reviews are no longer accurate!

Ratings and reviews for well-done work, the right attitude, and high competence are great.

When a freelancer completes a job, the client is often required to evaluate what has been done. He leaves a review or rates the web freelancer.

Subsequently this assessment is used by many other clients.

Filtering by Freelancers ratings is one of the main tools available to clients when choosing a candidate for their web task.

Apart from being strongly individual to the tasks performed, unfortunately, they can also be false.

Like with almost everything online, "smart" people have an interesting approach.

Every freelancer strives to get great reviews and a high rating to have a higher chance of working on projects.

It can be achieved by "providing services" for fake clients for a certain price.

There are also many ads of people offering payment for actual registration as a client.

They publish fake projects that are fictitiously executed by the freelancer.

He then received positive reviews and a high rating. They will be added to the web freelancer's portfolio as if he had truly worked on the projects.

For this reason, the customer does not have to trust the ratings and reviews completely.

Web Freelance does not have a rating and review system. Instead, the web freelancer is encouraged to present the skills and knowledge possessed through the portfolio in the Freelance Experience section.

The following can be added to the freelance’s portfolio:

  • links to reviews and testimonials from websites or pages on other platforms and social networks;
  • links to personal or company pages;
  • links to older projects (very often, the web freelancer leaves his "signature" in them).

This way, the client will be able to assess the web freelancer's level more realistically and make sure whether he is suitable or not.

By combining the portfolio with the Initial Questions to the freelancer, the chances of finding a suitable candidate increases significantly.

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